The Quest has begun...

This will an assortment of events, activities, opinions and anything under the sun that catches my attention..

Returning to normalcy.

The whole of last two weeks have been very boring. Reasons follow... very irregular with my Sadhana, no seva altogether and the wrong kind of food. All put together i was becoming dull, boring and lazy. I guess everybody goes through this phase in their lives. But as Guruji says - We need to commit and recommit ourselves again and again. And thats what i have decided to do from now on!

But there was a silver lining to these dense black clouds...will write about it in the coming week.
Today being Christmas eve, ended well with seva in the AOL School(The project which my colleagues at BOSCH and I are doing. Will write a separate post on that), delicious ashram food and satsang in the VM.

Looking forward to a great week ahead. :-)


Abhay Karnataki March 11, 2009 at 3:17 AM  

That's true.
I wish to attain such a state, from where such lapses won't occur again!:)

yup, re-committing to keep committing, until it becomes the very nature!

YES!+ Schedule

  • YES!+ in Koramangala - Jan22nd - 24th
  • Contact Suman - 9900269112
